Newsletter September: Kids – They’ve Got the Right Idea
Background In the organizing world, we often talk about turning tasks into games, making the task more interesting and (not coincidentally) more motivating. Recently, I worked alongside a *3rd grader who, with no prompting, did just that! Our job was to organize her bedroom. In every session “Jane” discovered ways to turn our tasks Read more…
Newsletter June: Attention and Connections
Background I’m taking a coaching class right now. It’s called “The Coach Approach for Organizers.” My purpose for taking this course is to learn about coaching and see how I can translate what I learn into my organizing business. In this newsletter, I’m going to share some ideas from an Read more…
Newsletter October
Click on this link to access the Organizing Tips: Timers – Seven Ways That They Can Help – October 2012 newsletter.
PROBLEM: When I put away my groceries I notice that the cloth bag is dirty so I start a laundry load of grocery bags which takes me to the basement where I remember that I need to change the bulb and as I get the bulb I walk by a Read more…
Where to Begin?!
PROBLEM: I have so much stuff. I’m so overwhelmed. I don’t know where to begin. SOLUTION: Limited your focus. One way to do this is to make a *physical ring around what you will work on. In the picture, the only items to focus on are in the ring. Once Read more…