Newsletter September 2011
Click on this link to access the Organizing Tips: Dealing with Receipts -September 2011 newsletter.
Click on this link to access the Organizing Tips: Dealing with Receipts -September 2011 newsletter.
PROBLEM: I wish I’d have a bit more space in my kitchen drawers. SOLUTION: Change the direction of your utensils. If all the handles are pointing in the same direction there is excess space with the handles and not enough space with the heads. HINT: You can use this concept Read more…
PROBLEM: I hate to use dressers. I also don’t like to fold my laundry. My clean and dirty clothes end up getting mixed up because I don’t like to fold my clothes and put them in the dresser. Everything just ends up on the floor, on top of the dryer, Read more…
PROBLEM: I like my paper trays but I would also like a place close by for some files. SOLUTION: Slide the “arm” of a bookend under the paper tray. The bookend will now support your files.
PROBLEM: When I put away my groceries I notice that the cloth bag is dirty so I start a laundry load of grocery bags which takes me to the basement where I remember that I need to change the bulb and as I get the bulb I walk by a Read more…
Click on this link to access the Organizing Tips: Socks, Socks, Socks! – August 2011 newsletter
PROBLEM: I can’t keep track of my to dos and all the paper that is associated with them. SOLUTION: Clip a blank sheet of paper onto a clip board and write all your to dos here. The paper that is associated with the to dos can be clipped behind the Read more…
PROBLEM: I have these actual things that I need to remember to give/show to someone or take somewhere. I can’t remember to do them! On the rare occasion that I do remember, I have no idea where I put the item. SOLUTION: Make a note in your calendar on a Read more…
PROBLEM: I have white crew neck and v-neck t- shirts. I like to wear them at different times but in my drawer I can’t keep track of which white t-shirt is which. SOLUTION: The one kind of t-shirt you can fold and the other kind of t-shirt you can roll. The Read more…
PROBLEM: I know that I would use the tools in my toolbox more if I easily knew what was in the box.I don’t make an index with the contents of the box because I think it will take too much time. SOLUTION: An index doesn’t need to be fancy in order to be Read more…