There are many tasks in a household. For example, there are maintenance tasks (tasks that happen regularly), such as…
- taking out the trash
- loading and emptying the dishwasher
- vacuuming
- cleaning the bathroom
There are also project tasks (tasks with a beginning, middle and end), such as…
- making travel plans
- fixing a loose board on a step
- sorting through a box of slides
- fixing a light fixture
- taking toxic cleaners to a hazardous waste site
If we live with a partner/spouse/friend it can sometimes be hard to navigate the list of to-dos. Often one person ends up feeling like the parent while the other feels like the child. This isn’t fun or healthy for anyone. So here’s a strategy to help with this dynamic.
To read more: Click on this link to access the Organizing Tips: One Household, Lots of To-Dos and Too Much Frustration – March 2016 newsletter.