PROBLEM: There are some receipts that I want to keep for awhile. I like to keep receipts to verify my bank records and credit card statements. I also keep some in case of returns. They are a big mess. Help…

SOLUTION: Be purposeful. Establish a place where you put receipts and guidelines for when you get rid of them. In the picture, all receipts for the month are paper clipped together. As receipts come in they are added to the paper clipped receipts for the month. With each new month go to the back paper clip (receipts from the 12 months ago) and quickly go through to see if there is anything you still need. Generally, it is a quick and easy process and most receipts have served their purpose and aren’t needed anymore.

HINT: Most recent month of receipts are kept in the front and so on until you have the oldest month of receipts in the back.

Categories: Tips

Susan Hunsberger

I’m Susan Hunsberger with Strategize Organize LLC. I work with folks with organizing challenges. Adults and students with ADHD are areas of specialty. People come to me feeling shame and frustration. They hire me to help them lift the weight of disorganization and move on with life.


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